Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cinnamon-y Goodness!

The Cinnamon & Sugar soap that I made last week came out great!  It looks wonderful and smells delicious.  I can't wait until it's ready to go.

Studies have shown that the smell of cinnamon can boost your memory and cognitive function.  Maybe that's how I should pitch it; "Buy my soap, it will give you more smarts!"  What do you think?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Cinnamon & Sugar Soap

I just finished making "Cinnamon & Sugar" soap.  I used real cinnamon to get the brown swirls.  I haven't used real cinnamon in a soap before so it will be interesting to see how it turns out.  

It will be ready to go in a few weeks after it cures.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Newest Product - Edible Massage Candles!

Check out the newest item at my shop: Edible Massage Candle!

Chocolate won for the best edible massage candle flavor! If response is good for this one then I will add additional flavors to my line.

Special requests for other flavors are definitely welcome!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Benefits of Calendula Soap

A couple of months ago I decided to try my hand at an herb infused oil soap.  I chose Calendula for the herb and used my crock pot to create the infused olive oil.  People have been using Calendula for centuries because (among other things) it is said to have anti-inflammatory properties.  I then added ground up Calendula petals to the soap before pouring it into the mold.  Aside from a crack running down the top of the loaf it came out great.

I liked how this soap turned out but I didn't have high hopes for it selling very well because it doesn't have any added scents or colorants.  Apparently I was wrong.  I only have 1 bar left and already have people that want more!  I made another batch today which should be ready in a couple of weeks.

Several of the people that have been buying the Calendula soap have told me that they, or a family member suffer from rashes or dry and itchy skin (eczema).  One of my customers told me that her baby suffers from frequent eczema and that she has been buying (very expensive) Calendula oil to treat his outbreaks with some success.  She was happy to find my soap because the cost of 3-4 bars of it was equal to the small bottle of Calendula oil she had been buying.  Combine the benefits of Calendula with the benefits of handmade soap with its naturally occurring glycerin and you've got a very skin friendly product.

In the soap business we are not allowed to make claims that our product "cures" any conditions because then we fall under the FDA's radar and our product would be considered a drug.  From the FDA's web site regarding soap: "is intended not only for cleansing but also to cure, treat, or prevent disease or to affect the structure or any function of the human body, it is regulated as a drug."

Since I'd rather not hassle with the FDA I will not make any claims regarding my soap.  I can however tell you that my customers say that their skin problems clear up with continued use of my soaps (and not just the Calendula variety).  Give some a try today :)